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radare2 Reverse engineering framework
radare2-valabind Reverse engineering framework (language bindings interface)
ragel State machine compiler
rainbow-delimiters-el Emacs mode for colorful parentheses highlighting
rapidsvn Cross-platform Subversion GUI
ratfor Preprocessor for the Ratfor dialect of Fortran
RBTools Tool to submit patches to a Review Board
rcs GNU Revision Control System - version control software
rdp Compiles attributed LL(1) grammars into recursive descent compilers
re2c Deterministic Finite State Automaton generator
readline GNU library that can recall and edit previous input
rebar Rebar is an Erlang build tool
refinecvs Convert CVS repository to SVN dump
Renaissance Structured GNUstep user interface development framework
reposurgeon Tool for editing version-control repository history
roundup Issue tracking system with command-line, web and email clients
rox-lib Shared code for ROX applications
rpc2 CMU (Coda) remote procedure call package
rscode Reed Solomon error correction code library
rsltc RAISE Specification Language Type Checker
rt-mysql Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt-pgsql Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt3 Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt4 Industrial-grade ticketing system
RTFM Enterprise-grade knowledge management tool
RTx-RightsMatrix Utility to efficiently manage rights to a RT installation
rubigen Ruby stub generator
ruby-abstract Abstract methods for Ruby
ruby-actionmailer32 (V) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 3.2)
ruby-activemodel32 Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 3.2)
ruby-activesupport32 Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 3.2)
ruby-algorithms Useful algorithms and data structures for Ruby
ruby-amstd Collection of miscellaneous Ruby modules
ruby-assistance Lightweight replacement for ActiveSupport
ruby-atomic Atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI
ruby-backports Backports of Ruby features for older ruby
ruby-blankslate Provides Blank Slate base class
ruby-bsearch Binary search library for Ruby
ruby-byaccr Parser generator for ruby based on 'Berkeley Yacc/Yacc for Java'
ruby-capybara (V) Integration testing tool for rack based web applications
ruby-celluloid Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby
ruby-celluloid-essentials Superstructural dependencies of Celluloid
ruby-celluloid-extras Celluloid expansion, testing, and example classes
ruby-celluloid-fsm Celluloid Finite State Machines
ruby-celluloid-pool Implementation of an actor pool based on the Celluloid framework
ruby-celluloid-supervision Celluloid Supervision
ruby-cmd Library for building line-oriented command interpreters
ruby-curses Ruby extension to curses library
ruby-curses-gem Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses
ruby-daemon_controller Library for robust daemon management
ruby-debugger Fast Ruby debugger - base + cli
ruby-debugger-linecache Read file with caching
ruby-debugger-ruby_core_source Provide Ruby core source files
ruby-delayer Ruby module to delay the processing
ruby-deprecated Aid developers working with deprecated code
ruby-dhaka Lexer and LALR(1) parser generators for context-free grammars
ruby-div (V) Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
ruby-docile Keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved
ruby-dotenv Loads environment variables from .env
ruby-eet Ruby module to read and write EET files
ruby-eventmachine Ruby event-driven I/O using the Reactor pattern
ruby-extlib Support library for DataMapper and Merb
ruby-facade Module that helps implement the facade pattern
ruby-fast_gettext Simple, fast, memory-efficient and threadsafe GetText
ruby-fcgi (V) FastCGI interface for Ruby
ruby-ffi Loading dynamic libraries, binding functions within them
ruby-ffi-yajl Ruby FFI wrapper around YAJL 2.x
ruby-fiddle Ruby fiddle library to wrap libffi
ruby-flexmock Flexible mock object library for Ruby unit testing
ruby-gemcutter Commands to interact with
ruby-getopt Another option parsers for Ruby
ruby-gettext Ruby localization library like as GNU gettext
ruby-gettext_i18n_rails Simple FastGettext Rails integration
ruby-gettext-activerecord Localization for ActiveRecord using Ruby-GetText-Package
ruby-gettext-rails Localization for Ruby on Rails using Ruby-GetText-Package
ruby-gnome2-atk Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf (V) Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
ruby-gnome2-gio Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
ruby-gnome2-glib Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
ruby-gnome2-pango Ruby binding of pango-1.x
ruby-hashery Facets-bread collection of Hash-like classes
ruby-heckle Code mutation tester for Ruby
ruby-highline High-level console IO library
ruby-hike Find files in a set of paths
ruby-i18n New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
ruby-inline Embed C/C++ code directly in Ruby
ruby-innate (V) Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack
ruby-io-console Add console capabilities to IO instances
ruby-io-like Functionality of an IO object to any class
ruby-kgio Provides non-blocking I/O methods for Ruby
ruby-libyajl2 Vendored copy of libyajl2
ruby-little-plugger Module that provides Gem based plugin management
ruby-locale Pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization
ruby-locale-rails Rails localized functions using ruby-locale
ruby-lockfile Ruby library for creating NFS safe lockfiles
ruby-log4r Flexible logging library
ruby-logging Flexible logging library for Ruby based on log4j
ruby-loquacious Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in Ruby
ruby-memcache Ruby wrapper for memcache